Thursday, July 28, 2011


This week I have been off sick since Tuesday and it's horrible!!!

I think I'll go back tomorrow... I got work from Enrica to do at home for the mean time so I'm not missing out on too much.



Monday, July 18, 2011

Oh dear..

Today I got the photocopier jammed.. well not really, wasn't my fault it stopped working! Anyway my boss is pleased with my work so far, she emailed me from her trip away. I am bust with drafting some plans and contacting clients, engineers, council.. the usual. I sometimes wonder if there's ever going to be one 'chilled' day.. no I don't think so.

Gota get back to some work!

See you

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I'm so tired.. been feeling a bit sick the past few days but I seem to be on top of things with my work.
Enrica is on holiday for 2 weeks.. I have lots of work to finish off. Yesterday I was making an appointment for the engineer to meet with me on site Friday afternoon, should be interesting as I'm pretty much dealing with this project via email to the client and Enrica. She is impressed with the work I have done so far which is great!

Gota go


Monday, July 11, 2011


Lat week was eventful! I went to council 3 times. I had a meeting with one of the clients as well as run around doing some errands with my boss. Was interesting driving around with an architect... almost crashing into the robots as well as driving up a one way by accident!! all due to the fact that we were staring and commenting on all the different styles of architecture in century city haha.

This week and the next my boss is away and i get to come in later which is great! i can now do some extra tech work. I have lots to do in so little time. Just so happens that the fashion show I'm organising is in the same week of block 2!!! Ahhhh that's going to be a stressful week.

Anyway gtg


Monday, July 4, 2011


Today started off with one loooooooooooooong meeting! My boss is going away next week and is preparing us with loads of work. I have pages full on notes and print outs all admin and drafting oh and council submissions. We are still so busy it's crazy!

Gota go finish some work now ciao!